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Creative Modern Tiling Services

Simba Renovations is a leading provider of top-quality tiling services in Western Cape. Our experienced team has been delivering high-quality tiling work for both residential and commercial clients since 2012.

We offer a wide range of tiling options, including wall, floor, and cladding tiles, in a variety of styles and materials. From classic ceramic tiles to sleek and modern glass mosaics, we have the expertise to help you achieve the look and feel you desire for your space.

Our team of experts takes great care to ensure that every tile is properly installed, grouted, and sealed to ensure a long-lasting and beautiful finish. We work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and preferences, and we strive to deliver exceptional service at an affordable price.

Whether you’re looking to install new tiles in your kitchen, bathroom, or living area, or you need to replace broken or damaged tiles, our team has the skills and experience to get the job done right. Contact us today for a free quote and let us help you transform your space with our professional tiling services.

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